Well, first the bad news. That Rotoscoped toku porn spoof I told you about in my last blog? (if you bothered to read it) Yeah, it didn't happen. It's probably for the best, though. It made me uncomfortable as hell just through the first 5 seconds of it. If you want to watch it (which I highly recommend against) just look for it on tube 8. Or better yet, don't.
Anyway, the good news is I'm starting a few new projects, among them a music video for the Gorillaz song "The Swagga". Yes, I am fully aware that there is already a video for that song, but I thought it was stupid. I can do better. And that's what you will see. Sometime later.
Any news on the gorllaz music video?
Yeah. It's still not finished yet, but I shall work on it right now. I have been mighty busy with other projects, but I have not forgotten that one. But rest assured, I would like to see it finished as much as you. Thank you for your interest.