Well, I live in Laredo as I type this. I love to animate and draw. If there's anything else you'd like to know, give me a shout. I WILL respond.

Age 34, Male

Just this guy, y'kno

Laredo, Texas

Joined on 4/29/12

Exp Points:
498 / 550
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> 100,000
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4.94 votes
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As some of you may have guessed, I'm not very active on this site. Which is kind of ironic, as I have always wanted to animate for this site. But anyway.

A few years (!) ago, I said I announced that I was working on a music video of The Swagga by Gorillaz. Well, I gave up on that project, as I am wont to do with most of the things I start. I swear, I was going to start working on it again, (no I wasn't) But my hard drive failed. So I had to spend, like, $86 or $87 for a new one.

But the good news is, now that I have a new hard drive, I can restart all the projects I did not finish. From the beginning. And that includes The Swagga. I'm not making it as practical as I was planning on though. Originally, I cut out pieces of paper and scanned them into Toon Boom, that takes way too long. So, I'm gonna do everything digitally now.

And even better, I have gotten pretty darn far. It's actually little more than copying and pasting frames onto certain points in the song. So I should be done with it in no time. If life doesn't get in the way again.

But anyway, that was just a little blurb about what I have been doing. Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go to my job. A feller's got to eat after all. Can't make cartoons on an empty stomach, don't you know.

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